At OpenArt2021 in Roveredo

Posted in Mostre on September 21st, 2021 by johndoing



Posted in Varie on March 11th, 2015 by johndoing


Mostra Engawa a Kanazawa

Posted in Uncategorized on May 19th, 2014 by admin

John Doing in Mostra a Kanazawa dal 27 Maggio al 6 Giugno 2014


John Doing Bio

Posted in News, Varie on March 13th, 2014 by johndoing
John Doing è un viaggiatore.
A 20 anni compie il primo viaggio in estremo oriente, Giappone, Cina, Oceania e Stati Uniti D’America. Entra così in contatto e approfondisce la conoscenza delle culture di quei mondi. La sua è una sorta di formazione continua  nel campo dell’arte: porta sempre con sé gli acquarelli e riempie fogli di impressioni e riflessioni.  L’aereo diventa l’ufficio, l’atelier.
Dal 2007 si appassiona all’informatica e intensifica il suo  lavoro sui collage digitali,  animazioni  e video, dedicandosi anche alla ceramica Raku e all’arte povera.
Scrive poesie e racconti e vive fra Lugano, Berlino e Milano.
John  Doing,
He is a traveller, at the age of 20 he goes to Japan, far east, Oceania, Americas. Since then he takes with him water colours and fills pages of sketches, notes, sensations, reflections. The aeroplanes become his office, his atelier, his place of  training while he gets fascinated especially by the different culture. Since 2006 he get interested in computer graphic and intensify the use of digital collages printed on various supports, as well as digital animation and videos. He writes poems: he lives and works in Lugano and Berlin and Milan.


Posted in Varie on March 13th, 2014 by johndoing



Posted in Varie on January 7th, 2014 by johndoing


Posted in Varie on December 23rd, 2013 by johndoing


Posted in Varie on December 20th, 2013 by johndoing


Posted in Video on December 9th, 2013 by johndoing

Testo mostre

Posted in Mostre on December 9th, 2013 by johndoing

Tutto ciò che coinvolge le nostre percezioni

può essere descritto in tutte le forme immaginabili

senza limiti di spazio e di tempo.

Everything which embraces our perception

can be described in every imaginable form,

with no borders of time and space.